Friday, May 9, 2008

shelley su, which is most like you?

compare and contrast:

stuff asian people like

stuff white people like

...after a quick cursory glance at the first site, i may in fact be as white as i think i am. and far less asian than all my friends are convinced i am. ha!

i wonder if dim sum is on either list...


The OMF said...

There are three things that would clue people in on my Asian-ness, aside from the obvious physicalities:

1. I *heart* Asian foods.
2. I *heart* taking lots of pictures.
3. I *heart* handwashing my dishes and using my dishwasher as a drying rack.

There's a quiz!

Anonymous said...

i'm taking the quiz right now...
"staring at people" is asian! hahaha.