last weekend was in santa cruz for fools west.
gorgeous fields overlooking the city and Monterey Bay...

got a call the movers would be coming sunday and had to leave sat afternoon and go back to sf, so i missed the rest of the tourney. despite losing by a large margin to dtb on saturday, slackjaw came back against them on sunday and won the tourney! just wish id been there to help out!
sunday was insane with the movers (i'll save that for a whole different post.) but the week flew by and before i knew it, i was banking in van pelt on a thursday afternoon (see previous post). friday - sun morning i was in fredericksburg for fools with the surrogate fam.
some highlights:
seeing everyone i love one last time!
playing with dk again
my favorite asian showing up saturday morning, wasted and ready to kick some ass!
rachel shah
my sister actually showing up. and actually playing (sort of!)
me forgetting to explain the rules to her
going (mostly) undefeated
mae aptly renaming our team "alex united" (how vain is it that i kind of liked it?)
attempting to convince everyone i love to move to the west coast (you're next!)
flip cup!
dance parties with awkward lesbian acquaintences
surprise propositions
rachel shah in hooker heels from target looking gorgeous
clayton telling rachel shah in hooker heels from target that she looked gorgeous
drunk kim krietner
playing a few points with billy!
amanda davis amanda davis amanda davis
a gazillion loose cannonites on one field!
recruiting women to play loose cannon despite not being on the team at all anymore
playing with swat (instead of against them)
lectures from marie (who really does know me better than anyone)
drunk venutians
convincing drunk venutians that women's is soooo much better than coed
sleeping in with the bean
the bean
a fitting tune:
all my friends
and another that just makes me smile. i cant get this song out of my head!
in the night
I'm your fav Asian? Gosh. That's funny, 'cause you're mine Alex the iBanker! And I was pleasantly buzzed.
and i dont think that proposition was a surprise to anyone...
oh and you forgot to list an extremely sketchy mary jane incident...but maybe that didn't make your top 30 or something.
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