Tuesday, May 6, 2008

odds n ends

music: sam sparro's black and gold / estelle's american boy / the 1900's georgia / the rosebuds' shake our tree, erzi arvizu's windows of dreams (fileden has apparently suspended my account, but no worries: muxtape to the rescue!): thewingsarewide.muxtape.com

the weekend: apparently one does not need an acl to wakeboard! spent saturday on the boat with juder and the roommates; had a blast. cruising down the delta drinking miller lights and working on my tan - i really cant complain. havent wakeboarded since that one time when i worked at camp at the american club (stars and stripes, baby!) and we took the five year olds out. i remember it being impossible to get up, but this time, i stood up immediately, and was able to ride for a while. had such a blast, and really want to go again before surgery. oh man, such a workout, though. i think i pulled my forearm muscles. been reading up on wakeboarding conditioning, and apparently it's an incredible workout. just started doing some more core stuff at the gym. if i cant run, i can at least focus on my core / building arm and leg strength.

paper: recently finished pride and prejudice for the first time. i dont know why, but every time ive tried to read it in the past, ive been bored senseless. maybe now that i've enjoyed the adaptations and can better understand the story, i was able to really appreciate it. in other news, theyre remaking brideshead revisited. it's one of tommy's favorites, and he gave it to me for graduation. we tried watching the bbc miniseries, but it was a little slow. the new version stars matthew goode (LOVE him: imagine me & you!, match point), but it seems to be playing up the relationship b/w ryder (our protagonist) and julia (his best friend's sister) way too much. whatever happened to the ridiculously homoerotic relationship b/w him and sebastian? should be interesting nonetheless.

other: judy found a place - scott and page!! and the delicious sandwich place is perfectly located right between us. ahh a sandwich syzygy!
my car - has arrived! to be picked up sat!
the frida exhibit is coming to the sf moma! i misssed it when it was back in philly, so glad it migrated westward. hope the same happens with bodyworks, which was showing in md when i left.

hmm that's all for now.


Virb said...

bodyworlds has an exhibit in LA from march 14 to sept 7 -
here's the link

looks like that's the closest it's coming to you for now. i saw the "bodies" exhibit in pittsburgh a couple months ago and it was pretty good.

The OMF said...

alex! i've always *hearted* the call-and-response format of Shake Our Tree. great song